My question involves criminal law for the state of: California If someone I know were found with a gram of amphetamine, and had a "jewelry scale" with mild drug... Unauthorized ACH Transaction | Forum So they put through an ACH transaction on our bank account from the info they got off the check.Also when we call the bank and tell them of this unauthorized transaction, the bank says we should contact Wachovia Dealer and ask them to... Errors in a Bank Rewards System | Forum My question involves business law in the state of: California. I have 2 reward accounts with a bank institution (1 for credit card and 1 for checking account).
Medical malpractice cases involve allegations that a health care provider violated the governing standard of care while treating a patient, resulting in an injury to the patient. The harm from medical malpractice can result from either an action taken by the health care provider, or by omission, the failure to take a medically appropriate action.
Nov 18, 2015 · Bank Investigation of Reports of Fraudulent Credit Card Charges by an Online Casino My question involves a consumer law issue in the State of: California/Online Backstory: I reported fraudulent charges to my bank in October 2015 that were from an online gambling casino. Chargeback Reversal After Making a False Statement to the Bank May 02, 2015 · Chargeback Reversal After Making a False Statement to the Bank My question involves a consumer law issue in the State of: California I did a chargeback against an online gambling website for the amount of $2,000 and was issued a permanent credit by my bank (I lied and said it was an unauthorized charge after I lost my money). Disputing a Debt to an Online Gambling Debt - ExpertLaw Oct 20, 2015 · Re: Disputing a Debt to an Online Gambling Debt If you are seeing evidence on their website that suggests that they're a legitimate collection agency, or evidence on the Arizona Department of Finance website that suggests that the company is licensed to … Disputing a Credit Card Charge Made to a Towing Company Mar 07, 2013 · Re: Disputing a Credit Card Charge Made to a Towing Company After an Illegal Tow If you are suing for $211.15, and you are disputing a 50 cent overcharge on a $211.65, I don't see how the dispute would affect your lawsuit; you aren't disputing any portion of …
Gambling Site Chargebacks - ExpertLaw
Sep 09, 2012 · Re: Legal to Record Video and or Audio when Inside a Business A lot depends on the expectation of privacy. If the conversation is such that it can easily be overheard, then there would be a diminished expectation of privacy and would not generally be seen as a "confidential communication" and may well be legally recorded. The ExpertLaw Library | Legal Information and Articles The ExpertLaw Library. Bankruptcy. Information about the legal process to fully or partially discharge debts through bankruptcy. Business Law. The law of businesses, including business entities, business formation, operation and regulation. Civil Litigation. ExpertLaw | Legal Help, Information, and Resources Apr 16, 2018 · What is medical malpractice, when can a medical malpractice claim be made against a healthcare provider, and how to prove that malpractice occurred. What is a Deposition What is the purpose of a deposition, what happens during a deposition, and what to expect if you're being deposed.
From time to time, they will call me about transactions made with my PayPal debit card, to make sure that I authorized them. I'm pretty consistent in my use of the card, so they will double-check if things seem odd.
Online Casino Chargebacks - ExpertLaw
Dispute Online Gambling Transactions. Seeking Legal Advice
Contract Law | ExpertLaw A contract represents the intention to formalize an agreement between two or more parties in relation to a particular subject. Contracts can cover an extremely broad range of matters, including the sale of goods or real property, the terms of employment or of an independent contractor relationship, the settlement of a dispute, and ownership of intellectual property developed as part of a work ...
Dispute Between Neighboring Businesses Over Parking Spaces |…